
Live Radio | The ViaLucci Show | Tom Whelehan and Theo X talk with Sheikh Shamsaldin Al-Said

RADIO ⚠WARNING Live Radio may contain strong language⚠ The ViaLucci Show, hosted by Tom Whelehan (Centre) and Theo X (Right). With Special guest Sheikh Shamsaldin Al-Said (Left). Chief Audio Producer, Antonio Parejo.   This week’s show navigates the realms of journalistic integrity, what ethical media really means and the use…

USA leaves UNESCO over Israel row

By Azam Buhairi  USA leaves UNESCO over Israel row Officials announced that the US will leave the international education, science, peace, environment, anti-extremisim, press freedoms and cultural organization in 2018, citing concerns over “Isreal’s Interests”.   The United States will pull out of UNESCO, the international scientific and cultural heritage…

Non cyclists from London cycle across Spain to raise money for “Water For Life” in  East Africa | Please Donate

By Islamic Relief Non cyclists from London cycle across Spain to raise money for “Water For Life” in  East Africa Hola dearest amigos, Every year, I try to set myself a challenge to raise money for a worthwhile cause. This year, I have decided to cycle 30-40 miles every day (I may…