Former Scottish leader Alex Salmond charged with 14 serious sex offences

alex salmond

The former leader of Scotland First Minister Alex Salmond had attended court charged with 14 serious sex offences

Alex Salmdon resigned after narrowly loosing his bid to make Scotland an independent nation in 2014.

Since the 2016 Brexit referendum however support for independent Scotland has grown dramatically.

Current Leader of Scotland, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has promised to push for independence again as a result of Brexit.

Boris Johnson has said he would block Scottish independence at all chances.

Human Rights activists has accused the UK Government of fabricating the charges against Salmond, who insists he is innocent, as a warning to Sturgeon not to pursue independence and as a punishment for Salmond’s attempt.

Scottish citizens have crowd funded a large amount of money to help fund Salmond’s criminal defence.

The 14, accusations against Salmond are serious in nature and include charges connected to rape, with some of the allegations, alleged to have occurred in the official First Minister’s residence.

Salmond has formally submitted a plea off not guilty.

The allegations date between 2008-2014, up to the month of the independence referendum.

The case comes as International Courts, overseas diplomats and human rights charities warn the UK over use of false information and false criminal accusations as weapons against critics and opposition.

Women’s rights charities have said that the UK’s weaponising of sexual allegations undermines real victims and jeopardises any progress movements like #metoo may have made.

The public support for Salmond appears to be as divided as the UK itself with those favouring Scottish Independence backing the former leader and those from the far right supporting Brexit strongly condemning the former leader.

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About the Author

Omar Bishara
Journalist, Broadcast News Correspondent and Photojournalist