Affiliate Program

Al-Sahawat Times

Ethical Global News Channel from Oman and UAE

Affiliate Program

Al-Sahawat Times understands that modern life isn’t always as simple as it seems. As such corporations need to be flexible in order to keep up with the ever changing demands of individuals’ lives.

Whether you’re an individual or a company we offer a range of affiliate programs to help you generate additional revenue.

Available Affiliate Programs


Turn your social media and spare time into extra cash:

Location: Global

What will I be doing: Whether through social media, email, telephone, word of mouth or referral – you will be directing clients to Al-Sahawat Times for our sponsorship and marketing services.

Provisions & Earnings: 

  • Full Guide & Tutorials
  • Branded Technology and materials to assist you. No coding experience required.
  • 24/7 live support
  • Networking Events
  • 15% referral fee for every client you successfully refer to Al-Sahawat Times.


  • Successfully be accepted into the affiliates program via the application form.


To request an application form please Email: with your name, country of residence, contact information and links to your social media accounts.

Please set the subject field to: Individual Application


Monetise your blog or website:

Location: Global

What will I be doing: Referring clients to Al-Sahawat Times via posts, links and banners on your blog or website.

Provisions & Earnings: 

  • Full Guide & Tutorials
  • Branded Technology and materials to assist you. No coding experience required.
  • 24/7 live support
  • Networking Events
  • 15% referral fee for every client you successfully refer to Al-Sahawat Times.


  • Successfully be accepted into the affiliates program via the application form.
  • Websites and Blogs must not contain adult or illegal materials or materials in breach of copyrights.


To request an application form please Email: with your name, country of residence, contact information and links to your website(s)/blog(s) and their related social media accounts.

Please set the subject field to: Webmaster Application


Generate referral fees from your existing clients

Location: Global

What will I be doing: Referring clients to Al-Sahawat Times.

Provisions & Earnings: 

  • Full Guide & Tutorials
  • Branded Technology and marketing materials to assist you.
  • 24/7 live support
  • Networking Events
  • Substantial discount on Al-Sahawat Times’ services and those of our partners.
  • 15% referral fee for every client you successfully refer to Al-Sahawat Times.


  • Successfully be accepted into the affiliates program via the application form.
  • Certificate of incorporation in at least one country.


To request an application form please Email: with your name, country of residence, contact information and links to your social media accounts.

Please set the subject field to: Corporate Application

For telephone applications please call our parent group’s head office on: 00442035070351


Adam Al-Hashimi [MBA] Head of Affiliate Programs – Business Relations Department Al-Sahawat Times [London Office] | | Staff ID: BR518

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