UK deploys Army to tackle fuel crisis as Brexit Britain brought to its knees


UK forced to deploy the Army to tackle fuel crisis as Brexit Britain brought to its knees


FACT BOX: PRA says between 50% and 90% of its member fuelling stations in the UK have run dry. 

The UK is facing a multitude of “Black Swan Events”: Rapidly rising fuel costs, spiralling energy costs, high inflation and rapidly rising costs of living, falling wages, cuts to welfare, rapidly reducing life expectancies, a crumbling education system, struggling heath care system, rising taxes, high unemployment, rapidly rising cost of education, rising violent crime, rising cases involving corruption and violence from the police and government, increasing censorship of the news and media, climate change crisis that is made worse by the fact it is an island nation reliant of oceanic thermal streams (the Gulf Stream), wide spread and disruptive on going protests, lack of electricity supply to meet demand, lack of fuel to meet demand with wide spread shortages, contradictory and ever u-turning policies, problems with institutional racism, loosing the war in Afghanistan after 20 years of constant war, separatism and independence pushes from Scotland and Northern Ireland… The list is endless.

Boris Johnson, a career journalist with a life time of experience in talking utter crap, has tried very hard and spent million of tax payers funds on PR spinning the situation to try and portray the situation as global. ‘The whole world is in it together’… they are not.

As a journalist that travels ALOT for work, lives equally between the UK, Canada and US and frequently works in Italy, Spain, Mexico, India, Russia, Australia and Japan I can assure you that this is a uniquely British apocalyptic mess.

The world is starting to recover from the COVID19 Pandemic and for the most part is making a relatively good job of getting their economy back on track. Climate change has become the global point of concern.

The UK however is not. It is crumbling. Whilst the exchange rates quoted at banks suggest the £ GBP is holding up at €1.15 to the £1 GBP, the reality is drastically different. What consumers in the EU pay and what consumers in the UK pay are not on a 1.15 to 1 ratio.

For example Spanish retailer Zara is frequently selling €30-€50 euro items in the uk for £120-200 GBP which gives a real world exchange rate of €0.25:£1. They are not alone add in the new Brexit taxes and import duties and higher delivery costs on top of this and the pattern is clear people living in the EU are paying between 25% and 40% of the price paid in the UK for EU produced products.

The story is the same with China, Japan and the US. Once imported to the UK, UK consumers are paying 100% or more in markups. When comparing Chinese and Japanese imports to the US and Canada to Chinese and Japanese imports to the UK again the real world exchange rates do not equate to those quotes officially by the Bank of England at all, not even close.

$5USD + $3USD shipping Japan to USA the same item to the UK is typically running at around £19 GBP including tax and shipping.

Whilst some retailers are working hard to mitigate this the closest exchange rate found was from APPLE which is offering $1 USD : £1 GBP.

Boris is deluded and attempting to act like the world is falling apart when in reality it is only his island that he is steering joyously into the metaphoric iceberg at full steam whilst blaming everyone else.


Boris is telling British citizens that there is no supply issue and not to panic buy, that fuel will not run out.

However, The Petrol Retailers Association (PRA) which represents the majority of petrol stations in the UK, estimates the between 50% and 90% of its member fuelling stations have now run dry.

It has now been revealed that British Soldiers have been put on notice of deployment to drive petrol tankers to supply fuelling stations.

It is expected that their deployment is inevitable within the next few days.

Despite rapidly rising costs of fuel the cost on the shrinking market and on the growing black market for fuel the demand continues to surge.

London has become the epicentre of the fuel drought with many complaining that they are no longer able to travel to work or education or medical appointments due to the impact on the transport systems.

Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng has now suspended the Competition Laws  to allow fuelling stations suppliers to co-operate on logistics and pricing.

Meanwhile Boris has come under criticism for his pledge to allow 5 thousand EU HGV drivers to enter the UK on emergency visas one it was discovered that the visas would expire on Christmas Eve and would only permit one journey into the UK and would not permit secondary deliveries once in the UK. Many EU drivers has expressed that this means the journey would run at a loss and not a profit for them.

The deployment of the military code named Operation Escalin is currently a contingency plan on standby, however with Boris saying it will take two weeks to organise emergency visas of any description for EU drivers the deployment looks inevitable.

The only other nation to face similar issues with fuel and energy is Lebanon. This is certainly not a global crisis. Brexit and extreme poor governance are the culprits in what was an easily avoidable crisis.

Interviewing recent graduated across the Middle-East Al-Sahawat Times asked those looking to study abroad for their post graduate courses which countries they were looking to study in. Typically the USA and UK have always dominated however this year the major asked were looking to ditch their UK plans in favour of France or Germany for a “better quality of life and education with better career prospects”.


© 2021 Al-Sahawat Times, Printed and Distributed by IPMG, an Al-Said Group entity. 

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Francesca Webb
Official account of Francesca Webb. Canadian-Italian globetrotter, journalist and PR manager.