- By Saila Safwana
Narconon | Saving lives in Oman, UAE & UK a true success story

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Read the full original article by Narconon here:
Narconon UK and Al Sahawat Times team up to save lives in UK, Oman and UAE
Throughout 2017 Al-Sahawat Times has been following the success of an innovative chemical free, substitute drug free, faith dependent free, alcohol and substance addiction program from Narconon.
It is a sad age we live in when the most poplar media corporations finance themselves off he back of false stories, sensationised fearmongering, humiliating and shaming individuals and trivial celebrity culture, nudity and non informative nonsense.
Al-Sahawat Times recognises the power that the media holds and the potential for good and the responsibility that this power comes with.
As such something had to be done when Al-Sahawat Times came across Narconon. An organisation giving their all to quietly save lives across Oman, UAE and the UK. In a lasting and liberating way that didn’t rely on chemicals leading to inevitable relapses and financial dependence of the students on the organisation. Seeing Narconon treat individuals as humans, students and with upmost respect at all times as opposed to patients and addicts. It was clear that Narconon needed a voice, a voice to show those suffering that there is a clean, natural and dignified way to freedom and to regain a normal healthy life again, without any stigma.
It was our global group chief executive officer, Sheikh Dr Shamsaldin Qais Sulayman Al-Said who first took a personal interest in Narconon, personally briefing the entire global news board on their heroic work.
We were all truly honoured and delighted to receive the following success story and feedback from Narconon:
Contact Narconon today
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Talk to a journalist: Email: NewsDesk@alsahawat.com Web: alsahawat.com Twitter: @alsahawat_times
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