Narconon saves life of Latina fashion mogul’s daughter after cocaine addiction

Al-Sahawat Times | Narconon
  • By Zakiya Afzani

Narconon saves life of fashion designer’s daughter after cocaine addiction

IPMG University of London

When the daughter of a Latina fashion designer’s life was in serious danger from an addiction to Cocaine, it seemed all hope was lost. Al-Sahawat Times and Narconon speak with the family bravely stepping forward to remove the taboo about addiction and how families can survive and overcome such difficulties together.

Al-Sahawat Times | Narconon


Narconon saved my sister in law’s life.

Cocaine nearly took it.

There are parts of one’s life not easily forgotten. Picking up my then 19-year-old sister in law at the airport to drive her to the Narconon Programme was one of these nights. An artist in her own right and daughter of a Spanish fashion designer, Valeria was an out-going, creative soul who would talk to anyone. Her creative side seemed natural and limitless permanently on full throttle.

Raised in a successful and loving family, Valeria splurged on acting, music and clubbing. This creative lifestyle and activity lead to recreational drug use and am immersion in the darker side of today’s pop culture. Ecstacy. Cocaine. Crack Cocaine. Marijuana. Mushrooms.

We see it in today’s film and TV culture but when you are looking into the face of a family member who’s heart is racing and is as high as can be it becomes personal, it becomes real, it becomes heartbreaking and terrifying. 

Al-Sahawat Times | Narconon UK

That night is still clear in my mind. It was 14 years ago now.

Valeria graduated from the Narconon program. It saved her. Her life has only continued to improve and she now works an action-packed sales and marketing job in Los Angeles.

For this, myself and my family will be eternally grateful. Many are not so lucky. For those reading this who have a family member or loved one struggling, let this be an invitation to a fully workable solution and a hope for the future.

Valeria was not given drug ‘substitutes’, chemical treatments or short term ‘patches’.

The all natural detox program used a combination of physical detoxification, psychological support and guidance and practical advice and help. This dramatically reduces the risk of relapse or dependency of pharmaceutical drugs. 

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āœŠ? love it!
Keep up the solid work guys!

Graham Matthers

Wow so inspiring! Big Pharma really is just a money game at the end of the day. Anything that heals… Read more »