Мали Вук, рођена после мајчине смрти, спашен након, није дошао за ٩ минута | Little Vuk born after mother’s death saved after not breathing for 9 minutes

Извадили су га са царским резом из мајчине смрти, спашен након, није дошао за ٩ минута, а онда је почела БОРБА

Baby born after mother’s death doesn’t breath for 9 minutes, but survives


Al-Sahawat Times

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Lekari na intenzivnoj nezi koji spasavaju decu u svakom slučaju su posebni ljudi. Moraju pre svega da vole, a onda i da znaju svoj posao. Koliko im je teško i sa kakvim osećanjima se bore, znaju samo oni i roditelji dece koju su otrgli od smrti. A jedno od te dece je i mali Vuk, koji je izgubio oba roditelja u udesu, i sam je bio u teškom stanju. Junaci koji su spasli malog Vuka i izveli pravi podvig zaposleni su u Centru za neonatologiju kragujevačkog Kliničkog centra. Predvodi ih dr Dragana Ristić, direktor Centra u kom radi sedam lekara i 30 medicinskih sestara. Tu je 30 postelja, pola je intenzivna, a pola specijalizovana nega.

Mali Vuk je dovezen kao hitan slučaj iz Kruševca 10. januara, kao vitalno ugroženo dete. Reanimiran je veoma dugo. Rađena je aspiracija, davan adrenalin, intubiran je. Ocena na rođenju bila mu je nula. Njegova majka bila je nakon saobraćajne nesreće u kritičnom stanju, urađen je hitan carski rez. Dete do devetog minuta nije pokazivalo znake života. Posle toga je počelo da diše i počelo je da mu radi srce sa 20 otkucaja u minuti. Tek posle 13 minuta je počelo srce da mu radi kako treba. Onda su bebu lekari iz Kruševca stavili u sanitet i sve vreme ga održavali u životu uz pomoć respiratora koji se pokreće ručno – priča dr Ristić. Dodaje da je mali Vuk, kada je stigao u njihov centar, dve nedelje disao uz pomoć aparata.

Beba nije ni merena zbog opšteg lošeg stanja. Rođena je u 37. nedelji. Vodi se kao predterminsko dete. Odmah je počela terapija sa antibioticima, na posebnoj ventilaciji. Dete je dugo bilo bez kiseonika i tri nedelje je bilo u pomućenom stanju svesti. Zbog traume koje je doživelo nakon nesreće imalo je i krize svesti. Praćeno je od neurologa i sedam neonatologa i 30 sestara – kaže dr Ristić.

Posle duge borbe za život, mali Vuk je otpušten iz bolnice. Sada je na rehabilitaciji u Bukovičkoj banji. Njegov mali mozak patio je zbog nedostatka kiseonika, pa sa njim rade stimulativne vežbe i pomažu mu u neurološkom razvoju.
Dr Aleksandra Simović jedna je od lekara koji su se borili za život malog Vuka. Kaže da je Vuk otpušten iz bolnice sa 4,1 kilogram.
– Vuk je u medicinskom rangiranju pri rođenju imao treći, najteži stepen patnje. Pravo je čudo što je uspeo da se ovako oporavi. Najvažnije je nakon rođenja prvih šest sati, da se uspostavi disanje, srčani ritam… To je vreme kad se vodi borba, kada je biti ili ne biti… – kaže dr Simović.

Spasavanje malog Vuka samo je jedan od podviga ovih lekara. U ovaj centar dolaze bebe iz 13 porodilišta, pa se godišnje leči oko 450 dece. Iako su u staroj zgradi, čija se rekonstrukcija čeka, rade sa 120 odsto kapaciteta.
Jovana Milenković (25) i Stefan Ilić (26) poginuli su u udesu na putu Kruševac – Đunis 10. januara, kada je autobus proklizao na zaleđenom putu i direktno udario u njihov automobil. Stefan, koji je poginuo na mestu, povezao je trudnu Jovanu na kontrolu kod lekara. Jovana je teško povređena, a preminula je dan kasnije u bolnici.



They delivered him via a caesarean section from his mother in a critical condition, his heart did not beat for nine MINUTES, and then the FIGHT began.

Doctors in the ICU who rescue children in any case are special people. They must first of all love, and to know what they’re doing. How difficult and what kind of internal feelings they fight, they only know, they and the parents of children that are broke free from death. And one of those children is little Wolf (Vuk), who lost both parents in a car accident, he was in a serious condition. Heroes who saved the little Wolf and pulled off a feat are employees at the Neonatal Clinical Center Kragujevac. Led by Dr. Dragana Ristic, Director of the Center which operates seven doctors and 30 nurses. There are 30 beds, half are intense, and half are specialized care.

Little Wolf (Vuk) was born by caesarean section after the accident, in which his parents died. The heart of a small fighter Wolf (Vuk) began to tick nine minutes after birth, but the doctors saved him.

Little Wolf (Vuk) was brought in as an emergency case from Krusevac to Kragujevac on the 10th January, as a viably traumatised child.

He was resuscitated for a long time. He was aspirated, given adrenaline and intubated.
At birth he was given a survival score of zero. His mother due to being involved in a traffic incident was in a critical state. An emergency caesarean section was performed.

The child for nine minutes showed no signs of life then he started to breath and had a heartbeat of just 20 beats per minute. Only after thirteen minutes did the heart beat start to work normally.

Then the Baby was transferred by the Doctors from Krusevac to ICU where he was kept on a respirator. Dr. Ristic explained that when, Little Wolf arrived in our centre he was placed on the respirator for 2 weeks.

The baby was not even weighed due to the poor condition. He was born in the 37th week of gestation and was classed as premature baby. The treatment with antibiotics was started immediately and was put on a special ventilator.
The baby was a long time without oxygen and due to the trauma he had received from the incident, as a resulte it took three weeks for his brain to recover from a dulled state.

A neurologist, 7 neonatalist Doctors and 30 neonatal nurses have been taking care of him.
After a long struggle for his life, little Wolf was discharged from hospital.

Now he is rehabilitating in Bukovic Spa . His little brain was affected due to lack of Oxygen so he is currently receiving stimulating physical and neurological exercises to assist in neurological development.

Dr Aleksandra Simovic was one of the neonatalists who fought to save his life, said, Wolf was discharged from the hospital with a weight of 4.1kilograms.

Wolf was in medical terms prior birth classed as third stage trauma.

It is a wonder that he has recovered to this extent. The most important thing to establish within the first six hours of birth are breathing and heart rhythm.

That is the time when the fight is on for life , is it to be or not to be explained Doctor Simovic.

Saving little Wolf is just one of those achievements of these Doctors. In this centre babies arrive from 13 maternities so annually around 450 babies are treated. Even though they are in an old building which is awaiting reconstruction they are working at 120 percent capacity.

Jovana Milenkovic (25)and Stefan Ilic (26) died in a incident on the road from Krusevac to Djunis on the 10 January when a bus skidded on frozen road and hit them head on.

Stefan, who died at the scene was taking pregnant Jovana for a check-up at the Doctors.
Jovana was critically injured and died a day later in the hospital.

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About the Author

Michael Al-Said
News correspondent for Al-Sahawat Times since 2012