London Mayor Sadiq Khan tells Donald Trump he is not welcome in London

 Sadiq Khan, mayor of London, tells Trump he is not welcome in London

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2018 has had turbulent start for Trump to say the least.


North Korea and South Korea entered peace talks without the USA (Read More…). The unpopular president is forced to undertake a full medical as husband advisors and world leaders question his mental health. His state visit to the UK is downgraded. World wide riots are held as UN rules Trump’s actions in Israel as illegal (Read More…). The UN Office for Human Rights declares Trump “a racist who contravenes international laws” (Read More…).  Trump, after demanding to be invited to the Royal Wedding of British Prince, Prince ‘Harry’ (Henry) Windsor, was sternly informed that no invite would be extended to the US President.


Now, Trump is blocked from owning his own US embassy in London.


The US Embassy has undergone a dramatic high tech, high security multi billion dollar upgrade. The new embassy has bombproof windows, hidden anti-vehicle bollards in floral displays, protective panelling, and and endless list of special treatment for the most attacked embassy in London.


Despite being placed on a prime plot of real estate on the banks of the highly lucrative Thames Banks where plots of lands sell for scores of millions, the US embassy is a cubic icon given special treatment many believe it does not deserve.


Trump was due to come and cut the ribbon and formally open the new embassy. As is tradition, world leaders open their own embassies in other nations.


However after threatening the UK that the US would offer no trade deal to the UK unless Trump was invited as a guest of honour to the Royal wedding and demanding the new US embassy be move yet again to a “more prime location”. Mayor of London called enough, enough.


London Mayor Sadiq Khan announced:

“Trump has got the message, he is not welcome in London. His trip to open the new US embassy in London has now been cancelled.”


The London met police then faced demands from the US to arrest Khan, for what crime exactly it was not clear… But Trump was clearly unhappy.


Far right extremists also invaded a speach by the London Mayor waving US flags, far right symbols and chanting pro-Trump slogans. The individuals said they belonged to a well known US white supremacist group.


Since taking power Trump has seen US influence heavily reduced and replaced around the world.


In the Pacific the US influence hasn’t been diminished with North Korea seeking peace backed by Russia, China and Japan. Whilst Japan seeks to end the decades long post Second World War treaty allowing the US to act as the nation’s only military defences.


In the Middle East the US has all but been removed with Turkey, Russia and Iran stepping in to fill the void.


In Africa the US holds little to no influence with China and India the main influencers and Brazil gaining influence.


Europe has replaced US influence mainly with French and German strength.


Latin America has looked to Mexico, Brazil and Russia to replace previously US dominated affairs.


The US is on high alert to international attack with monthly missile drills being introduced into public buildings.


This week saw Hawaii mistakenly trigger it’s incoming Nuclear attack alarm during a domestic sense of panic and hysteria in the US.

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