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Oman leads the way for global reduction in oils production and use

By Francesca Webb Oman calls for global oil reduction Advertisement – Advertise here from OMR 100 / $275 USD Al-Sahawat Times | Ethical Global News from Oman and UAE | Donate HERE  Advertisement – Advertise here from OMR 100 / $275 USD Oman oil minister says majority of OPEC and its…

Türkiye EVET diyor | Turkish referendum, Turkey says YES to Erdogan

By Mustafa Ahmet Turkish referendum | Turkey votes YES for Erdogan Al-Sahawah Times | Türk Haber Canlı  Dispite international opposition from Europe calling the vote invalid and demanding a recount, an international elections watchdog has counted 99.97% of the votes cast and declared the votes all valid giving the YES…