Donald Trump praises LA Massacre shooter

Trump Draws | Al-Sahawat Times
  • By Adam Al-Hashimi

Donald Trump praises LA Massacre shooter

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There is increasing international concern for US President, Donald Trump’s mental health as his irratic behaviour worsens.


Today in the latest in a never ending series of gaffes, Donald Trump actually praised the shooter in the worst massacre in US history which saw almost 600 people shot. (Read more…)

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President Trump praised the intelligence of Las Vegas killer and criticises abilities of San Juan mayor. In a new interview with Christian TV network Donald Trump has praised the intelligence of the Las Vegas mass murderer, as authorities continue their investigations into the motives and background of the Las Vegas gunman who shot almost 600 people killing 59.


The President said the gunman was “smart” because he set up cameras outside his hotel room, which investigators believe allowed him to observe police and security personnel approaching the suite as he carried out the massacre.


The gunman shot at a crowd of music fans from the window of his room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel, killing 59 people and injuring almost 600 hundreds.


“He was smart and he had cameras, but (police) got there so quickly and they really did” Mr Trump said during an interview with Christian television channel Trinity Broadcasting.


Critics pointed out that while Trump compliment the killer’s abilities during the interview with the Christian broadcaster, he insulted those of the mayor of San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico, Carmen Yulín Cruz, saying she was “not very capable” in what has been a barrage of insults against the captial’s mayor over his handling of the hurricane which all but destroyed the entire Caribbean country.


Trump said: “We have the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, who didn’t attend meetings, who didn’t work with FEMA, who really did not do a very good job, in fact, did a very poor job. And she was the lone voice that we saw and of course that’s the only voice the media wanted to talk to, and she’s running for governor, big surprise.”


Trump has been embroiled in a row with the mayor after she criticised the Trump administration’s response to Hurricane Maria, which devastated Puerto Rico’s infrastructure, leaving 95 per cent of the island without power.


On a visit to Puerto Rico in the wake of the disaster, Trump was accused of insulting hurricane victims by throwing provisions, including rolls of kitchen towel, at them.


Trump defended his actions to Trinity Broadcasting interviewer Mike Huckabee, whose daughter Sarah Huckabee Sanders works as the President’s press secretary.


“They had these beautiful, soft towels. Very good towels,” he said. “And I came in and there was a crowd of a lot of people. And they were screaming and they were loving everything. I was having fun, they were having fun. They said, ‘Throw them to me, throw them to me, Mr President. So next day they said, ‘Oh it was so disrespectful to the people.’ It was just a made-up thing. And also when I walked in, the cheering was incredible.”


Trump condemned journalists who covered the event, calling them “fake”.


Trump and UK foreign minister Borris Johnson are both currently in the public eye with vocalis d concern over their mental health coming in from many angles.


Borris Johnson recently told Libyan officials that Libya (once Africa’s most prosperous and wealthy nation before the western lead invasion and bombing campaign) could be the next Dubai if they just moved the dead bodies to the side first.


There has has been major international pressure for both Trump and Johnson to be fired.


Johnson, the former Mayor of London continues to challenge for power to become the Prime Minister of the UK.

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