Search Results for brexit

UK left with €113bn Brexit bill

By Zakiya Afzani UK need to pay out €113bn in overdue EU contributions before it can leave the block via Brexit Brussels will slap a hefty price tag on Britain’s Brexit bill by demanding an upfront gross payment of €113bn it has been reported.   The Financial Times has analysed…

Brexit | Article 50 triggered as Britain formally leaves the EU

By Saila Safwana Britain formally leaves the EU as PM Theresa May triggers Brexit with Article 50 Following a week and weekend of intense public protests and promises by some politicians that Brexit can be stopped, UK Prome Minister Theresa May had today formally triggered Article 50, reducing the EU…

Alastair Campbell: Believe me Brexit can be stopped

By Zakiya Afzani  “Believe me, Brexit can be stopped”: Nigel Farage and Alastair Campbell row over Article 50 Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage and former chief of communications for former British PM, Tony Blair, Alastair Campbell, had a heated argument about Brexit on UK television show; ‘Good Morning Britain’.  …

Paris bans e-scooters in referendum

Paris bans e-scotters in referendum FRANCE | PARIS | TRANSPORT | EV FACT BOX: The ban only applies to e-scooters that are hired, not privately owned vehicles.  In a public referendum with shocking results, (known as “British style” in Paris, named after the self-destructive 2016 Brexit referendum and failed 2014…

Pound £ GBP crashes to lowest value in history

Pound £ GBP crashes to the lowest value in history Economy | Europe | UK  FACT BOX: In 1971 the UK replaced a highly complex system of Pounds, Shillings, Pence, Crowns and Sovereigns with the current decimal currency system of (£) Pounds and (p) Pence. The GBP crashed hard early…